The Unnamed Hero’s Project: Cryptocurrency

6 min readAug 18, 2022

Are you aware of how quickly the economic habits of society are changing? Not so many years ago, paper money and coins began to give way to credit cards. Payment systems have been mobilized and facilitated. Now, millions of lira payments can be made with a paper-thin, cotton-light card in wallets. Waiting in line somewhere to pay bills, saving money in piggy banks are a thing of the past. However, all these developments were not the actual change, but the preliminary steps of the main change…

Who is this Satoshi Nakamoto?

Exactly 14 years ago, in 2008, the whole world, especially America, found itself in a very serious economic crisis. In this process, while many banks went bankrupt, the state treasury had to be emptied significantly. While the institutions that the societies trusted financially declared bankruptcy one by one, this situation dragged a significant part of the world into chaos. This event and process has become so iconic that many movies, TV series and books on this subject have been released over the years. Just after this chaos, while societies and individuals were trying to heal their economical damage, the world met a secret hero code named Satoshi Nakamoto, whose identity could never be deciphered, then and now. This hero has presented humanity with an economy plan and currency unit that does not depend on states, banks or any centralized movement. At that time, all authorities thought that this idea would not have a long-term adventure. Although the idea was considered to be quite successful, it was considered impossible to popularize the idea. So what was this currency and economy plan? Bitcoin and Blockchain.

Economic System of Freedoms: Blockchain

To explain blockchain technology in everyday language, imagine that you lend someone some money and write the amount of the debt in a ledger and entrust this ledger to someone. After a while, your lender denies that they borrowed from you instead of paying back the debt. Of course, in this case, the ledger in which the debt is recorded comes to mind. But what if the person who keeps that notebook transfers the information to you by manipulating or if it becomes impossible for you to reach the person who keeps the notebook and you can never reach that notebook again? This is how we can explain the centralized economic system that explains the order of states and banks today. Well, to go back to the example, imagine that there are thousands or even millions of those notebooks. Imagine that you are sure that some of the valuable foreign exchange transactions you have recorded will never be lost because it is recorded by thousands of computers, not by individuals or institutions. Moreover, transparent. Welcome to blockchain technology

Steve Wozniak: Bitcoin Is No Different From Pure Gold!

The most important technology of this new economic plan has started to be developed over Blockchain, as well as coin technology. At the moment, the only advantage of the coin market, whose economic volume has reached 1 billion dollars, is of course not reliable. Computer owners, who made the first steps of blockchain technology take place, received 1 Bitcoin as a reward for the energy and computing power they spent on this issue. The system owners continued to be rewarded with Bitcoin by the system, just as a state produces money, during the process of supporting this energy transfer and strengthening of the system. However, at this point, there was an important principle preferred by many coin projects, especially Bitcoin, which made the coins seriously advantageous against the currencies produced by the states: ‘Limited Production’

European Parliament Adopts Cryptocurrency

Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin, had designed the system at the very beginning of the project so that a maximum of 21 million coins could be produced. In fact, the system was so clear about this that even it could not produce more. Since the total number of Bitcoins, which is estimated to end in 2035, has been known from the very beginning, it has always provided a serious increase in value and confidence, despite the completely uncertain how many units will be produced by the states. Moreover, this system has become an example for many more coin projects, and many coins that have been implemented today continue to progress with this system. However, of course, what the digital currency industry has provided and can provide to humanity was not limited to this, and an open software system was first used by the Ethereum coin. Although this system does not enter the markets with a clear upper production limit, unlike Bitcoin and the like, it has allowed the production of projects above people with the open codes it uses and has supported many more individuals to implement their own creative and useful ideas. Some have used this system by taking the first steps of NFT projects, while others have implemented Token projects, which you may have heard about, especially with the investments of sports clubs.

Atlas Space: Herald of the Future!

The digital economy system has become the primary payment system of the digital worlds by adapting to the developing technology day by day. One of the important steps in the development of this process was that a project like Atlas Space, which offers its users worlds full of creative and endless possibilities, gave its guests the chance to use Ethereum, Solana or the Atlas Space Token, which will be released soon, for in-app purchases. Moreover, Atlas Space Meta Universe, developed in accordance with the economic principles and systems of the new age, allows users to use the traditional payment systems (credit cards, bank accounts) they have already used in the universe in order to support the healthy progress of the process.

In addition to being able to personalize the life they live in the universe with the payment systems they can freely choose, companies in the Atlas Space Universe will be able to develop their offices in this universe according to their needs and priorities. In fact, users will be able to purchase NFT projects of world-famous artists with a single click.

This week, we will continue with topics such as the NFT market and Digital Shopping in the Atlas Future Blog, where the emergence of the Digital Currency system and its effects on societies are discussed. You can follow us on our social media accounts to be aware of all these content and to experience Atlas Space’s unique verse:

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